
Minister Maropene Ramokgopa Opens Book of Condolence for Former Minister Pravin Gordhan

On a somber day of reflection, Minister Maropene Ramokgopa extended her heartfelt condolences to the family of the late former Minister Pravin Gordhan. The news of Mr. Gordhan's passing on Friday, September 13, 2024, sent ripples through the corridors of the Department of Public Enterprises and beyond, touching the hearts of many who had the privilege of working with him or benefiting from his dedicated public service.

A Leader Remembered

In her statement, Minister Ramokgopa articulated the deep loss felt by the entire department, recognizing Mr. Gordhan's invaluable contributions throughout his tenure. His legacy, she emphasized, is one marked by integrity, commitment, and an unwavering resolve to improve the sectors under his helm. The book of condolence opened at the Department of Public Enterprises is more than just a formality; it is a testament to the profound impact Mr. Gordhan had on his colleagues, the public, and the nation at large.

The gesture allows friends, colleagues, and members of the public to leave their messages of appreciation and remembrance. It is an opportunity for those who admired Mr. Gordhan's work ethic, leadership, and vision to share their thoughts and stories, ensuring that his contributions will not be forgotten. Such an initiative also helps in the collective grieving process, offering a space for communal mourning and celebration of a life dedicated to public service.

Legacy of Service

Pravin Gordhan's career in public service is storied and multifaceted. As Minister of Public Enterprises, he played a critical role in steering various state-owned enterprises through challenging times. His leadership was often heralded for its transparency and accountability, qualities that garnered respect across the political spectrum. His commitment to rooting out corruption and inefficiencies within state-owned enterprises is particularly noteworthy, reflecting a broader dedication to ethical governance.

During his time in office, Mr. Gordhan took on some of the nation's most formidable challenges, from economic downturns to political strife. His ability to navigate these issues with a calm and determined demeanor set him apart as a leader who was both compassionate and resolute. Minister Ramokgopa acknowledged this in her tribute, noting that his passing leaves a void not easily filled. She called on current and future public servants to draw inspiration from his example, aspiring to the high standards he set.

Community and National Impact

Beyond the walls of government offices, Pravin Gordhan's impact was felt across various communities. His advocacy for social justice and equitable development permeated many of his initiatives, reinforcing his belief in a fair and just society. This community-focused approach endeared him to many, as he consistently sought to align governmental actions with the needs and aspirations of ordinary citizens.

Minister Ramokgopa, in her message, highlighted how Mr. Gordhan’s policies and programs often aimed at uplifting underprivileged communities, fostering economic growth, and promoting sustainable development. These efforts were instrumental in laying down the groundwork for numerous social and economic advancements seen in recent years. The public's outpouring of grief and respect is a clear indicator of the high regard in which he was held.

The Book of Condolence

The book of condolence, now open at the Department of Public Enterprises, serves as a poignant reminder of the connections Mr. Gordhan forged during his career. It invites people from all walks of life to join in remembering a person whose work impacted so many. Everyone is encouraged to share their memories, whether they are personal encounters or reflections on his broader contributions to society.

Messages within the book have already begun to paint a picture of a man deeply committed to his work and his country. Accounts of his mentorship, his steadfast principles, and his kindness offer a multifaceted view of a leader who never lost touch with the human aspect of governance. This outpouring of respect is indicative of the many lives he touched and the many hearts he moved.

Shared Reflections and Continued Inspiration

In addition to the book of condolence, several initiatives have been proposed to honor Mr. Gordhan's legacy. There are discussions about establishing scholarships in his name, aimed at nurturing the next generation of public service leaders. Such initiatives would ensure that his commitment to excellence and ethical governance continues to inspire young minds for years to come.

Moreover, public forums and discussions are being considered to celebrate his life's work and deliberate on ways to continue his mission. These platforms could serve as avenues to delve deeper into the principles he championed, such as transparency, accountability, and social justice. By keeping these conversations alive, the essence of his life's work can be carried forward, driving sustained progress and development.


As the book of condolence at the Department of Public Enterprises fills with heartfelt messages, it becomes evident that Pravin Gordhan's legacy will endure far beyond his years in public service. Minister Maropene Ramokgopa’s tribute encapsulates the sentiment felt by many: a deep gratitude for his tireless dedication and a profound sense of loss at his passing. As the community comes together to honor his memory, it is clear that Mr. Gordhan's spirit will continue to inspire and guide many in the journey toward better governance and a fairer society.

In these collective acts of remembrance and reflection, we find solace and strength, reaffirming the values that Pravin Gordhan stood for. His life and work remain a beacon for all who strive to serve the public with dignity, compassion, and integrity.


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